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Ethics, honesty, and respect for the law are fundamental principles that Farmigea is not willing to compromise. Every action we take is guided by these principles, which we consider essential for building trust and credibility with our employees, customers, partners, and the community in which we operate.

For this reason, Farmigea has implemented a system for receiving, managing, analyzing, and addressing reports, including anonymous alerts.

This system is accessible through a dedicated portal that allows reporters (employees, collaborators, consultants, suppliers, partners, shareholders, and members of corporate bodies) to communicate any irregularities directly to the designated body of the Company.

According to the Procedure for the Management of Whistleblowing, Farmigea S.p.A. guarantees the protection and confidentiality of the reporter’s identity and other individuals deserving of protection, in compliance with Legislative Decree 24/2023. The company also ensures the confidentiality of the information contained in the report, including the identity of the person who is the subject of the report, and protects against any possible retaliation related, even indirectly, to the reported facts.

The platform is intended exclusively for individuals defined as reporters by law and for the specified purposes.

Procedure for the Management of Whistleblowing
(Whistleblowing, D.Lgs. n.24 del 10/03/2023)

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